Traveling to and getting around Providenciales
All you need to know about traveling to and getting around Providenciales, TCI
This resource gives you details of the airlines flying into the Turks and Caicos Islands together with basic information on getting around Providenciales and staying connected. We do recommend that you have all your travel arrangements made in advance of your arrival and the following may be a helpful guide:
A passport and a return ticket are required to enter the Turks & Caicos Islands. Until recently US citizens were able to get in on a drivers license/birth certificate but that has changed with increased security.
Providenciales (“Provo” / PLS) is the main port of entry and visitors have a number of choices.
International airlines flying to Provo include:
Please note airline schedules are subject to change, so please contact the airlines directly for a current flight schedule to the Turks and Caicos Islands.
American Airlines – Direct from Miami daily, and from JFK on Sat & Sun.
Delta Airlines – 6 days a week from Atlanta (no Tuesday flight), plus a second flight on Saturday.
JetBlue – Daily from JFK and Saturday direct service from Boston. NEW direct service from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
US Airways – Direct service from Charlotte on Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday.
British Airways – From London Heathrow on Sundays with a stop in Nassau.
Air Canada – Direct from Toronto Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, from Montreal on Thursdays and from Ottawa on Mondays.
West Jet – Direct flights from Toronto.
Southwest Airlines– Daily flights from Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
Bahamas Air – Nassau to Providenciales – Tues, Thurs, Sun.
Regional Airlines – if you’re flying on to one of the other islands when you get here you will be on one of the following regional airlines: Sky King InterIsland Airwaysor Global Airways
When you arrive on Provo you can find taxis right outside the international arrivals terminal who will take you to your hotel/villa. The current fare is approximately $18-20 for the 10-minute ride.
Car rentals
Grace Bay Car Rentals, Hertz and AVIS and a few smaller rental outfits such as Scooter Bob Car rental on Providenciales.
Ferry to North Caicos, Middle Caicos and South Caicos
The TCI Ferry service which is operated from Heaving Down Rock on the Leeward Cut (the eastern end of Provo) is a fun and cost-effective way of visiting the Caicos Islands. The North Caicos ferry takes you in front of homes and villas on the private islands Pine Cay and Parrot Cay – the latter is a vacation home to a number of celebrities including Bruce Willis, Donna Karan and Keith Richards. If you have organized a rental car on North you can drive across the causeway to Middle Caicos and see that island too. The South Caicos service is aimed more at residents but there are places to stay overnight if you want to make a trip (see the Caribbean Cruisin website).

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