Somerset Resort on Grace Bay
The Somerset Resort on Providenciales’ famous Grace Bay Beach
It is difficult to compare to the other resorts on Grace Bay Beach. It can definitely be characterized as high-end alongside the Palms Turks and Caicos, The Seven Stars and The Grace Bay Club however it is unusual in the wide range of ownership options it provides. The four buildings closest to the beach contain 16 ultra luxury “estate” suites where each floor houses a single condominium – the penthouses have soaring ceilings and are without a doubt among the most spectacular residences in the islands. Behind the estate, buildings is Stirling House which has an uninterrupted line of sight over the resort’s spectacular pool to the ocean. Sterling House has interesting floor plans more in line with Seven Stars (in the case of larger units) or the Regent Grand (smaller suites). Behind Sterling House are the English Cottages which face onto the Resort’s croquet lawn – the only regulation-sized croquet lawn in the region. The English Cottages are effectively luxury town-homes. What they lack in ocean view they make up for in the high quality of the interior finishes and their sprawling, multilevel layouts.
The Somerset is a true one-off with its own architectural design and opulent furnishings and decor. The grounds are beautifully designed and maintained and the relatively small footprint of the 4 Estate buildings makes the most of the flow-through breezes and increases the feeling of space around the pool in a way that is only rivaled by the Seven Stars.
The Somerset on Grace Bay has an established rental program and has had the benefit of effective marketing campaigns which have helped to make it one of the more recognized luxury resorts in the Turks & Caicos Islands.
Resort Overview:
Type: resort w/optional rental program
Amenities: fitness center, pool, spa
Restaurant: O’Soleil (fine dining)
Interior: granite counter tops, marble floors
Parking: covered gated elect. access
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